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Green Bean Ministry Reaches Milestones

The Community Bible Church and the “Green Bean” ministry are happy to announce because of the generosity of so many of the folks in Wolf Point, we served our 1,000th cup of coffee or hot chocolate and we were able to give out our 1,000th breakfast sandwich last week.

We are in the middle of our second year of being out on Tuesday and Saturday morning with these things and more for folks. In addition, we have been blessed by gifts to Hubbard’s Cupboard, the ministry of free winter clothes and more to folks who need them. On average, we have provided coats, hats and gloves to more than 10 families per week.

Hubbard’s Cupboard is open every Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Community Bible Church, 436 Indian St. Coffee and a light lunch is also available for those who stop in. Donations can also be dropped off during this time. Presently, our community’s biggest need is ladies’ socks and underwear.

As a pastor, I wish it were possible to list everyone who has been a part of this ministry. The list goes on and on and includes folks from Wolf Point, Michigan, Missouri, Alaska and North Dakota. If you would like to donate, make a check out to Community Bible Church and in the notes section write Green Bean Ministry. Your love makes a huge difference in our community.

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