Scoping, Informational Fisheries Meeting Planned In Glasgow
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks will be hosting a public meeting to gather input for the 2025-26 fishing regulations, followed by an informational discussion on area fisheries, at the FWP Quonset meeting room in Glasgow on Wednesday, March 13, from 6-8 p.m.
Fishing Regulations Scoping Fishing regulations are now under a process like hunting regulations, going through a comprehensive public review every two years. Fishing regulations are printed during odd numbered years.
FWP’s proposed regulation changes will be posted online later this month. FWP will also accept and review fishing regulations changes proposed by the public during the initial review time period.
Some of the proposals pertaining to Region 6 that will be discussed at this meeting include: * Addition of green tag for paddlefish from Ft. Peck Dam to the North Dakota border. This tag will allow harvest seven days/week.
* Change that would allow anglers to clean fish on the water. Fish would need to be identifiable, requiring anglers leave full skin attached and countable fillets.
* Limiting take of shortnose gar.
Staff will use public input to refine regulation proposals to the Fish and Wildlife Commission. The final fishing regulations proposals will be available for public comment in August, and the commission will adopt, modify or reject the proposals at its October meeting. Informational Discussion
Following the fishing regulations discussion, regional fisheries biologist Jared Krebs will provide an overview of recent Glasgow-area fisheries sampling, including yellow perch, rainbow trout, largemouth bass, and panfish fisheries, an overview on the Fort Peck Dredge Cut paddlefish archery fishery, and current status of Missouri and Milk River sport fisheries.
This portion of the meeting provides an opportunity for the public to be involved in open discussions and ask questions of the FWP fisheries staff concerning fisheries management in northeast Montana.
FWP ensures that its meetings are fully accessible to persons with disabilities. To request special accommodations for this meeting, contact 406-228-3700.