Lustre News
Thirteen seniors returned to campus on Thursday evening of Easter week from their senior trip to Denver, Colo., where they purchased supplies to make care packages for the homeless. They distributed them on the streets of Denver to people. They were supervised by Bill and Trisha Reddig.
Local deaths include Vivian Wall’s father, Tom Heidner, on March 7; and Helen (Wall) Hoffman, who died April 2 in Gresham, Ore. She is survived by her husband, Louis Hoffman, and sister, Alice Unger. She grew up in Lustre and has family here.
Home for Easter were the Randy Squires family, Megan Fast. The Lorenz family were guests of Sarah Brown, and Grant and Mary’s daughter Janell and family were home. Bob and Gretchen Schiller, Justin and Nancy have returned from a trip they took to visit Roberto and Heather Atienza, May and Bastiaan in the Philippines. A sunrise service and breakfast was held at the home of Dan and Melissa Marasco.
District Music Festival is April 12-13.