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Wolf Point Police Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department May 20-26. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)

May 20

Melvin Martell, 47, male, 200 block of Main Street, public intoxication, tribal court.

May 22

Seventeen-year-old female, 400 block of U.S. Highway 2, minor in possession, tribal court.

May 23

Dane Wells, 42, male, Town Pump, protection of government officials, tribal court.

Concetta Toavs, 29, female, Wolf Point High School, public intoxication and disorderly conduct. tribal court.

In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: animal cruelty/neglect, one; animal/ injured, one; animal/ killed, three; animal/stray, two; assault/aggravated, one; assistance required/ law enforcement, one; assistance required/public, three; child neglect, one; custodial interference, one; disorderly conduct/fight, three; disorderly conduct, one; disorderly conduct/vagrant, three; disturbancer, two; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, seven; domestic abuse, one; domestic/family disturbance, two; duplicate call, one; harassment, one; medical assistance, four; other, one; patrol/city limits, four; public intoxication, two; public intoxication/ open container, one; suicide attempt/adult female, one; suicide ideation/juvenile female, one; suspicious circumstances, one; suspicious person, one; suspicious vehicle, one; theft, three; theft of service, one; theft/shoplifting, one; traffic crime/ reckless driver, one; traffic incident, one; trespass, one; vandalism, three; vandalism/ motor vehicle, one; warrant for arrest, one; weapons/carry concealed, one; welfare check, four; total, 70.

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