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TEB Votes To Repair Poplar Roller Rink, MHP Troopers Cross-Deputized

The Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board held their regular full board meeting Tuesday, May 28, in Poplar. The date was moved in observance of Memorial Day.

Under Law and Justice, the board voted to honor Donald Boyd with a star quilt and $500 to recognize all his hard work. They also voted to accept the names and grant tribal arrest authority under the reciprocal cross-deputization agreements for Montana Highway Patrol troopers Ronaldo Chavez and Thomas Kachler.

Poplar roller rink repairs were approved at a total cost of approximately $90,000.

The board authorized the hiring of Taylor Matthews as a tribal police officer, pending a favorable background check.

Under Education, the board approved of the HeadStart Program COLA in the amount of $49,117 and retroactive payment starting Feb. 1.

The board authorized the HeadStart Department to payout excess vacation leave for their teaching staff when it exceeds 80 hours on the last paycheck before the summer layoff period.

The board voted to honor Ester Hapa with a star quilt and $500 for her years of great service with the Head-Start Program.

The chairman was authorized to sign applications to submit a grant to the National Park Service for the Tribal Historic Preservation Program proposal, and, if successful, to accept the grant.

Under Economic Development, the board authorized the obligation of $150,000 for construction of new bleachers in each community arbor with allowable ARPA funding.

Under Finance, the board approved Stephie Eagle Boy to sell fireworks in Wolf Point and Poplar from June 1-5.

The board authorized the transfer of the remaining funds in the amount of $41,000 budget for care of the cemeteries to the Day Labor Program to maintain the upkeep of all cemeteries on the Fort Peck Reservation.

A request was approved for seasonal full-time employment for Dean Big Leggings and Wambdi Growing Thunder for ARPA Construction.

The board authorize the request for funding from the revenue loss account #49924197055560 to finish the Frazer Community Center Project in the amount of $181,110.22.

The board approved the Fort Peck Tribal Credit Program’s request to update the overall policy with assistance from Ryan Rusche at Sonosky and Chambers.

The Cultural Resource Department’s budget adjustment request was approved, as a means to offer training to other tribal departments.

Under Land and Minerals, the board approved non-enrolled member renewals for Johnny Shumway, Stacy Stangeland, and Mesas Farms Inc. (William and Myrna Lauckner) and a non-enrolled member new lease for Stensland Land and Livestock (JD Stensland).

The board voted to start the process, discussion and set up meetings with the communities on the idea of adjusting the blood quantum in order for future tribal members have a tribe and a place to call home.

Under Health and Human Services, the board approved FY2024 LFPA funding application and budget as shown below from the period June 1, 2024, through May 30, 2026: meat buffalo/beef, $180,000; produce, $94,500; and small purchase (dairy, etc): $20,000.

The board agreed to remove Bryce Kirk from the CDC ATSDR Committee and have DES coordinator Jeff Berger on that committee as a representative for the Fort Peck Tribes.

They also approved Adrienne Weinberger to the position of prosecutor for a second 30-day appointment.

The board voted to complete the meat processing plant project in the amount of $1.3 million.

Jasey Brown was approved fro promotion into the HPDP billing manager position.

Under Veterans, Elders, Youth and Media, the board approved a donation of $500 and a star blanket to the family of James Iron Bear Sr. in honor of all the years of work for the Fort Peck Tribes.

The board voted for OEP to go after a $200,000 grant from GRID Alternatives. Peyton Summers will be recognized with a star quilt for his State B Cross Country win.

The Fort Peck Tribal Executive Board is the duly elected body representing the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Reservation and is empowered to act on behalf of the Tribes. All actions shall be adherent to provisions set forth in the 1960 Constitution and By-Laws.

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