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Bainville Council Passes Building Permits

The monthly meeting of the Bainville Town Council was called to order at 7 p.m. by Mayor Toby Romo at the Bainville Town Hall. Also present were Carol Rasmussen, Will Rathbun, John Gilligan by telephone and Billie Jo Cochran. Guests included Cora Norton, Darrell Rasmussen, Lyle Lambert and Kirk Panasuk.

The agenda was approved as amended with the addition of a building permit for Jeff Holte.

During public comment, Kirk Panasuk asked who enforces driving or parking on the wrong side of the street and parking on a sidewalk. He also commented about young children on dirt bikes and golf carts driving around town. There was also a comment about community members getting their dogs registered.

During the public works/ fire chief report, Lyle Lambert said the BACT tests are complete and the lead and copper survey has been submitted. There is a copy of the lead and copper survey at town hall if anyone wishes to look at it.

Lambert mentioned that the lift station pump is down again. The repair that Dakota Pump applied for does not seem to have fixed the issue. Lambert also said the town received four bids for the water project: Agri Industries, TeraFlex, Bishop Inc. and Mike Coleman.

Romo mentioned that the town needs to mow Hill Avenue and then apply gravel for fire protection for the town. He said this would provide a second route out for houses on the northwest corner of town.

The Cemetery Advisory Committee gave a first reading of Ordinance 6.02.030 amending the cemetery plot rates. The first reading produced three yes votes and zero opposed. A second reading will be held at the next council meeting.

Rasmussen said the Town Clean-up day went well.

Angie Kummer asked for a permit to build a fence around the daycare yard. The request was approved upon inspection of property lines by Romo.

Jeff Hotle sought a permit to build a pergola, which was approved pending inspection by Romo.

The council approved the hire of Agri Industries as contractor for the water project.

Samantha Mahlen was approved for hire to submit the 2024-2025 budget.

The Local Government Review Study Committee was discussed. The town is required to have three volunteers to serve on the committee. If there are not enough volunteers, the council will appoint the positions.

Romo said Chet McLean has started on the annual financial report. He also said that the fireworks policy change was completed as per the attorney’s advice. The new policy will be updated on the Town of Bainville website.

Water loss was 398,620 gallons at 24 percent in July of 2024.

The regular meeting minutes for July 8 were approved as amended. The treasurers report was also approved, as were the cash balance report, bank reconciliation report, YTD expense vs budget, YTD revenue vs budget, bank statements for July 2024 and YTD receipts from utility billing. Delinquent accounts were reviewed and approved, as well as claims & JVs in the amount of $29,779.77.

Payroll was approved in the amount of $10,633.22.

The meeting adjourned at 7:52 p.m. The next regular council meeting is set for Sept. 9 at 7 p.m.

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