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Poplar Loses Homecoming Football Game Against Culbertson Squad

Poplar Loses Homecoming Football Game Against Culbertson Squad Poplar Loses Homecoming Football Game Against Culbertson Squad

Culbertson spoiled Poplar’s homecoming football night with a 58-0 win on Saturday, Sept. 7. The Indians played hard the entire night, but Culbetson got a quick early break when a bad snap resulted in Mark Kirkaldie making a tackle in the end zone for a safety.

After a nice kick return by Reese Moon, the Cowboys took over at the Poplar 21. A 16-yard gain by Moon produced a first down at the five. From there, quarterback Bridger Salvevold scored with 10:24 left in the first period. Josue Mena kicked the conversion for a 9-0 lead.

Defensive plays by Kirkaldie and Moon stopped Poplar on its next possession. The Cowboys then marched 54 yards for their next touchdown. Culbertson reached the end zone on an 11-yard counter run by Dawson Bergum. Mena’s kick put the score at 16-0.

The Indians earned a first down at the 37 on their next possession on a nice screen pass play from Chasen Pribbernow to Kaniel Ricker.

The Cowboys, however, created another turnover as Salvevold intercepted a pass. Runs by Salvevold and Micah Eagle Boy put the ball deep inside Poplar territory. Gains by Salvevold and Mena produced a first down at the three.

Salvevold scored on a three-yard run with 2:19 remaining in the first quarter. Salvevold passed to Bergum on the conversion for a 24-0 advantage.

Moon then came away with an interception and raced 32 yards for a touchdown at the 1:16 mark. Mena’s kick put the score at 31-0.

Ricker accounted for a couple nice runs on Poplar’s next drive, but the Indians were forced to punt the ball.

After a pass from Salvevold to Bergum was good for a first down at the Poplar 18, Salvevold dashed for a touchdown. Mena kicked the PAT for a 38-0 margin with 9:18 remaining in the half.

The Indians were able to drive inside Culbertson territory on their next possession, but the threat ended on an interception by Ian Snyder.

Salvevold scored on a 38yard run for the last touchdown of the half. The Cowboys led 45-0 at intermission.

Culbertson’s first touchdown of the second half came on a 15-yard run by Plenny Williams with 1:34 left in the third quarter.

Williams scored on an 11yard run with 5:44 left. Maurice Mena kicked the conversion for a 58-0 margin.


Poplar’s Kaniel Ricker runs for yardage against Culbertson.

(Photo by Bill Vander Weele)

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