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Wilbanks Enjoys Cooking Class In Culbertson

Wilbanks Enjoys Cooking Class In Culbertson Wilbanks Enjoys Cooking Class In Culbertson

Senior Profile

Culbertson High School senior Serenity Wilbanks is glad that the school district added a culinary arts class to its curriculum this year. In fact, the offering is her favorite subject.

“It’s fun being able to make different foods,” Wilbanks said. “We go over the different steps of cooking.”

The class is taught by Shelby Manning.

“She always has a positive attitude in class,” Wilbanks said of the teacher.

Wilbanks said she doesn’t have a best food yet that she made in the class. Her favorite meal is her mom’s chicken parmesan dish.

After high school, Wilbanks is considering attending a culinary school and then making cooking a career.

She is involved in both volleyball and track for Culbertson High School. She competes in the 400-meter dash, 800 and 1600-meter relay for the Cowgirls. She enjoys running the relay with her teammates.

Volleyball is her favorite sport to play.

“I like being with my teammates and coaches,” Wilbanks explained.

She is planning to make a trip to Tennessee to visit family members after high school graduation. She moved to Culbertson eight years ago. She said she likes the atmosphere in Culbertson.

“It’s just a small town and I like being with my friends,” Wilbanks said.

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