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Commissioners Discuss Phone Calls By Inmates

Roosevelt County commissioners are researching how to best handle a new law in the state that requires the allowance of regular phone calls and video calls for inmates in the county jail.

Senate Bill 7, passed by the 2023 Montana Legislature, states than an inmate is allowed one free phone call, not to exceed 10 minutes, and one free video call, not to exceed 25 minutes, per week.

Roosevelt County Commissioner Gordon Oelkers said that they were unaware of the law until recently.

If the county provides the service through Cidnet, cost is estimated to be about $2,000 a year for the county.

The county is researching costs through Turn-Key, which already provides some free services for Roosevelt County. Commissioners are hopeful that these services could also be free or for a low cost.

“What’s the next step? Will we have to pay these people to be in jail,” Commissioner Gary Macdonald said.

Commissioners decided to table the decision until their next meeting. They believe they are in line with the law since they are pursuing the matter.

In other business, commissioners approved $16,830 for a new generator motor at Windy Hill.

Commissioners approved a pay raise for Jessie Wolff of the Culbertson library.

Kam Murnion was hired as a cook for the Bainville Senior Center.

The county will again honor veterans through Operation Green Light. Part of the courthouse will be illuminated green.

Operation Green Light’s mission is to show support for veterans of all military conflicts, as well as raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by many veterans (and their families) and the resources that are available at the county, state and federal level to assist veterans and their families.

Commissioners urge businesses and individuals also to use green lights to salute veterans from Nov. 4 to Nov. 11, which is Veterans Day. Residents are encouraged to participate by simply changing one light bulb in their house to a green bulb. This can be an exterior light that neighbors and passersby see, or an interior light that sparks a conversa-Governor tion with friends.

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