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Honors Jacobs At Dry Prairie

Honors Jacobs At Dry Prairie Honors Jacobs At Dry Prairie

Gov. Greg Gianforte and his wife, Susan, were on hand at Dry Prairie in Culbertson Oct. 9 to present Culbertson’s Clint Jacobs with a 2023 Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation.

Jacobs was a corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps and served a tour in Vietnam as a combat Marine. He earned the Combat Action Medal, the Navy Unit Citation Medal, the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry Medal and the National Defense Service Medal.

Gianforte detailed Jacobs’ military service and noted his 45 years of membership in the American Legion. He also singled Jacobs out for praise for his work as the first manager of Dry Prairie Rural Water Authority, Montana’s first regional water project.

“You brought heated water to people who needed it,” Gianforte wrote in a letter dated Oct. 3. “Your leadership provided over 3,000 miles of pipeline, delivering water to more than 20 communities and nearly 4,000 farms, ranches and rural homes.”

Approximately 50-60 people attended the event. During his remarks, Jacobs talked about his military career. “I was stationed along the North Vietnam boarder. We participated in many firefights and ducked a lot of artillery. I was fortunate to return home unscathed,” he told the assembled.

Jacobs also talked about his years with Dry Prairie, saying, “Many people thought the project was just a ‘pipe dream,’ but we were able to prove them wrong. Now the project is only two or three years from completion.”

Gianforte also praised Jacobs for his participation as a member and chair of the Roosevelt Medical Center Board, thanking him for, “ensuring veterans receive the care they need.”

Following the ceremony, the Gianfortes traveled to Sidney for a 4-H event.

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