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Wolf Point Police Blotter

( Publisher’s Note: The following blotter includes the activities of the Wolf Point police and fire department Oct. 7-13. All those cited or arrested are presumed innocent.)

Oct. 10

Ray O’Ryan, 44, male, 300 block of U.S. Highway 2, owner permitting operation of vehicle without insurance, municipal court.

Oct. 11

John Bauer, 33, male, 100 block of Benton Street, warrant, tribal court.

In addition to the citations above, the WPPD had the following activity: abandoned 911 call, one; alarm/burglary, one; animal/other, one; assault/ battery, one; assistance required/public, seven; attempted burglary/residential, one; burglary/residential/ forcible, one; counterfeit/currency, one; custodial interference, one; disorderly conduct/ fight, four; disorderly conduct, one; disorderly conduct/ vagrant, three; disturbance/ arguments, two; disturbance/ remove unwanted person, two; domestic abuse, one; loitering/panhandling, one; medical assistance, one; message delivery, one; missing person/runaway, one; other, two; patrol/city limits, one; public intoxication/open container, one; rape, one; runaway/female, one; sex offense/ juvenile female victim, one; stolen vehicle, one; suicide ideation/adult female, one; suspicious person, two; theft, one; theft/shoplifting, one; threats, one; trespassing, two; unsecured premises/ law enforcement reported, one; vandalism, one; weapon offense, one; welfare check, four; total, 55.

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