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Culbertson School Board Negotiation Committee Meets

The Culbertson School Board Negotiations Committee met for master agreement negotiations on Dec. 3 at 7:01 a.m. Trustees present were Ian Walker, Wendy Becker, Amber Fox and Lisa Steppler, as well as Lora Finnicum, clerk. Teacher representatives were Janelle Ator, Amy Berwick, Theresa McDonald, Jimie Lou Morris, Tiffany Nielsen and Chris Olson.

No visitors were present. Board restated and consented to the salary scale at $38,656 with 2/4 percent and 25 years. Union’s acceptance would be contingent on approval of the re-opener clause as presented. Board would review the proposed clause.

Next item for negotiations was requested. Union presented the grievance procedure, Article XV, with language discrepancies in working versus calendar days. Union proposed language to reflect teacher working days. Board would review language and requested other items up for negotiations. Union presented language for a contract renewal payment of $1,000 per teacher if contract is signed within five working days, payable on August 5. Potential cost would be $30,000 and union suggested payment from oil money.

Chair adjourned meeting at 7:22 a.m. The next meeting scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 12, at 7 a.m.

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