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Commissioners Approve Using ARPA Funds For Projects

The Roosevelt County commissioners approved three projects to finish off their American Rescue Plan Act funding Tuesday, Dec. 17.

One of the projects approved was $182,198 for dash cam to be used by the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office.

“It’s the same company as their body cameras,” Commissioner Gordon Oelkers explained. “Everything will work with the system together.”

Commissioner Robert Toavs noted that the county saves $14,000 by purchasing the cameras with a one-time payment upfront instead of annual payments through five years. In addition, the price would increase by $60,000 if the county waited until another calendar year.

“It will be a good tool for the sheriff’s office,” Toavs said.

Another project approved was an election system upgrade, which costs a little more than $150,000.

Toavs explained county officials want to do everything they can to make sure votes are counted correctly.

The third project approved was radios for Disaster and Emergency Services at a cost of $96,283. The purchase includes 10 mobile radios, four portable radios and one desk set with programming.

Commissioners approved purchasing three security cameras for the county building in Culbertson. Cost is $1,256.

Commissioners agreed to renew the contract with Northern Plains Compliance Consulting for safety consulting and business optimization services.

The annual pay raise for Melissa Buckles for the Roosevelt County Library was approved.

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