Wolf Point Council Welcomes New Construction Plan
The Wolf Point City Council held its regular meeting Dec. 16. During public comment, Paul Azure from the Fort Peck Tribes addressed the council about a significant grant opportunity with funds for repairing area streets. He was seeking a memorandum of understanding and said the document would be finished in a matter of days. A letter of support was also discussed.
A representative from Interstate Engineering in Sidney addressed the council seeking approval to tie into the city’s water and sewer systems for the construction of new homes on the west side of town. He said unused American Rescue Plan Act funds from the Fort Peck Tribes Housing Authority will be used to add 12-24 homes north of Cascade Street at no cost to the city. Dean Mahlum advised that the builders check the area for grave sites and possible human remains. The council voted to approve the new service connections.
The parks and recreation committee addressed the proposal by Town Pump to purchase Triangle Park, with the committee’s recommendation to not sell the park.
“The City of Wolf Point is proud to have grassy parks,” said councilman Lance FourStar, who spoke for the committee. “And while it has not been used as intended in the past, the committee would like to pursue forming a group of individuals within the community to further develop a space that allows for a positive experience for all community members, as well as individuals traveling through the area.”
Town Pump manager Noreen Hohman called attention to nonattendance by at least one committee member during the decision making process. Mayor Chris Dschaak offered to host another meeting of the committee to consider the issue further prior to a final decision.
The counsel discussed marketing strategies and pricing for new homes planned on the city’s south side. At the request of Great Northern Development Corp., invoices related to the project totaling $276,276 were approved for Majestic Homes and Bridges Construction.
Attorney Montana Wilson said that both new Wolf Point Police Department officers are pursuing cross-deputization. He said a pending lawsuit involving city police lieutenant Enrique Morales is unresolved, with the most recent offer exceeding $650,000 in liability. No comment was made regarding the details of the suit. “We have no defense,” said Wilson, “We are pretty much liable for the damages. We are fighting the amount.”
Wilson also said he was drafting a letter regarding inadequacies in law enforcement investigation practices locally. He said the letter would itemize deficiencies and would be going out to the Wolf Point Police Department, Fort Peck Tribal Law Enforcement and other agencies. The need for sexual harassment training for city employees was also discussed.
Greg Lukasik from Great West Engineering provided an update on the Sixth Avenue storm water project. Bids were opened last week. The city awarded the project to Western Municipal Construction, who offered the low bid for beginning work.
A resolution was approved permitting the sale of city equipment, with a minimum bid of $50. Minutes were approved for the Oct. 16 special meeting. Treasurer’s cash and expense reports were approved for November.
The next regular meeting is set for Jan. 20 at 7 p.m.