Highlights through the year in Roosevelt County included the following: January
Roosevelt County commissioners interviewed Fergus County Theresa Diekhans in their search for a fulltime county attorney. A week later, commissioners offered her the position. At the time, Diekhans was the Lewistown city attorney and the chief deputy attorney for Fergus County.
The Culbertson School District announced it would make a switch to a seven-period semester schedule starting in the fall of 2024.
Commissioners appointed Tracy Miranda as the county’s new clerk and recorder and Lindsey Nygaard as the chief deputy. Miranda replaced Cheryl Hansen who worked for the county for 42 years and nine months including 30 as the clerk and recorder.
Gordon Oelkers was voted to continue as the presiding officer for the Roosevelt County commissioners.
Culbertson experienced a windchill of 64 degrees below zero and an air temperature of 36 below zero on Jan. 13.
Award winners for the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office included CJ Colon as Deputy of the Year, Caleb Pendleton as Detention Officer of the year and Catherine Dickey as Dispatcher of the Year.
Culbertson’s students won the Class C speech sweepstakes trophy at the divisional meet.
District Judge Michael G. Moses has denied former county attorney Frank Piocos’ appeal seeking relief. The ruling was filed in district court on Monday, Jan. 22. Piocos was looking for a judgment to acknowledge he was not lawfully removed as county attorney.
Eighth-grader Felixe Becker emerged as the champion during Culbertson Schools’ spelling bee.
Members of the Culbertson Women’s Club were on hand at the Culbertson Town Council meeting to further discussions about increasing funding for the bathhouse project via public levy.
Area officials expressed disap- pointment with the news that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has announced that releases from Fort Peck Dam could be conducted in April and July. The Corps of Engineers feels the increased water releases would benefit the endangered pallid sturgeon.
Roosevelt County deputy county attorney Thomas Bleicher filed for the 2024 election to determine the county’s attorney.
The Froid Town Council discussed a fire hall addition during a meeting. Mayor Sheri Crain expressed confidence that the community would support improvements.
The Culbertson School Board approved contracts of administrators and teachers.
A court hearing was set for May 22 regarding the road dispute between Lynn Labatte and Roosevelt County.
During a meeting on Feb. 20, Labatte noted that closing Road 1018 at the T going north/south to 2058 would eliminate traffic going to his residence.
Recently hired Roosevelt County Attorney Theresa Diekhans filed for the 2024 election to determine the position in the future. Diekhans, who started serving as the county attorney on Feb. 20, said she feels comfortable in the office and Roosevelt County.
A huge economic project appears headed for Roosevelt County in the near future. The Eastern Montana Fertilizer Project, headed by Cyan H2 LLC., is planned to be constructed 15 miles east of the Fort Peck Reservation and near Culbertson. The project is estimated to cost $1.6 billion.
Bainville School’s cooks earned second place in the Montana Food Bank Network’s National School Breakfast Week photo contest. The contest involved providing a photo of a nutritious meal display.
Ralph J. “Jim” Patch was the third candidate to file for the county attorney election in Roosevelt County.
Bainville’s director of public works Lyle Lambert was selected the 2024 Wastewater Operator of the Year for his work with the Town of Bainville.
The Culbertson School Board approved a roof project after repairs were needed due to a hail storm. Insurance totaled the elementary, junior high and band roofs.
Culbertson’s Felixe Becker earned first-place honors in two events during the 2023 MCTM regional math meet held in Sidney.
King of Bainville’s prom was Carter Winn. Voted coqueens were Hailey Stein and Kaelyn Romo.
Paul Finnicum was presented with the gift of a clock and many thanks after serving on Culbertson’s school board for 21 years including 18 as chairman.
Culbertson’s residents were asked to consider a levy to support the municipal pool bathhouse project spearheaded by the Culbertson Women’s Club.