Highlights through the year in Roosevelt County included the following: May
Selected Culbertson’s prom queen and king were Kylie Bergum and Carson Solum.
The Roosevelt County commissioners hosted an informational meeting with Cyan H2, a Montana- based LLC that includes the Eastern Montana Fertilizer Company, regarding a new fertilizer plant proposed east of Culbertson, south of U.S. Highway 2 and west of County Road 1013.
Voted to the Culbertson School Board were Lisa Steppler and Amber Fox. Jordan Smith and Blake Murray won elections in Froid.
The American Legion hosted a Memorial Day program in Culbertson.
Joe Bonneau, Missouri River Recovery Program manager for the Corps of Engineers, reached out to area residents regarding the Fort Peck water flows project during a presentation at the Missouri River Conservation District’s quarterly meeting.
The ongoing dispute over access to American Legion Park in Culbertson continued with a hearing before District Court Judge David Cybulski in Wolf Point. Peter Olson with American Legion Post #81 filed a motion April 24, asking Cybulski to hold Knudsen Family Limited Partnership in contempt.
It was announced that the Culbertson National Guard will close no later than December 2026.
A salt water tank exploded at a containment facility site operated by Clean Solutions LLC near Bainville. One worker was injured.
Culbertson voters approved a special levy for a new bathhouse at the swimming pool by a 123-86 margin.
It was only the beginning of July, but the Bulldog Boosters in the Park event had Bainville residents thinking about the school. The fund-raising activities included hamburgers, hot dogs, a silent auction, a raffle and games. One project that profits will help support is an update to the school’s weight room.
Long-time clerk of district courts and county superintendent of schools Jeri Toavs resigned from the positions, citing health issues.
The Roosevelt County commissioners agreed to look at options for County Road 1011, located near Bainville, during their meeting held on July 9. Commissioners explained there has been an increase in oil traffic on the road so they’ve agreed to consider having Interstate Engineering conduct a survey in order to provide options.
The Culbertson School Board decided to add family and consumer science classes for the first time in many years. Culbertson Superintendent of Schools Nicole Simonsen is excited about the addition. She doesn’t believe such classes have been available in Culbertson for at least 20 years.
Roosevelt County’s deputy clerk of court Laurie Evans was appointed by county commissioners to be the interim clerk of courts and county superintendent of schools.
The National Association of County Agriculture Agents awarded Wendy Becker of Roosevelt County and Shelley Mills of Valley County for their work in educating beekeepers across Montana and beyond.
Roosevelt County commissioners unanimously approved the addition of a fence for the Roosevelt County Fairgrounds in Culbertson. The sixfoot fence will cover about threefourths of the fairgrounds.
District Court Judge David Cybulski filed an order to bring a potential conclusion to a longstanding dispute over access to American Legion Park in Culbertson. Cybulski ordered Knudsen Family Limited Partnership, which includes local residents Miles and Rhonda Knudsen, to pay damages and face sanctions for defying a Montana Supreme Court ruling granting access through their land to American Legion Park along the Missouri River.
Froid FFA club member Cody Olson was the grand champion for market steers at the county fair. Other grand champions in livestock events during the fair included Ka- lia Featherston of Culbertson FFA for goats and sheep and Jaylynn Bjorge of Bainville FFA for swine. Reserve champions included Kaden Featherston of Culbertson FFA for sheep, Payton Labatte of Culbertson FFA for goats, Jodi Albus of Centennial Clovers 4-H for steers and Holden Salivar of Tumbleweeds 4-H for swine.
The Welcome Stop and the late Pearl Swank were selected for their contributions by the Roosevelt County 4-H Council.
Area fire departments were dispatched Aug. 21, around noon to fight a fire along the river bottom east of Culbertson. Approximately 200 acres were burned on the Anderson and Bowker ranches.
Froid student earned top honors at the Champion of Champions Round Robin Showmanship held in Circle.
Roosevelt County commissioners finalized and approved their budget for the fiscal year. The budget increased by 2.4 percent compared to the last year.
Jazzmin Fugere and Reese Moon were selected homecoming queen and king in Culbertson.
Homecoming queen and king in Bainville were Hannah Scott and Isaiah Bjorge.
Kings and queens for Froid/Lake’s homecoming were Froid’s Mara Salvevold and Joseph Robertson and Medicine Lake’s Parker Billman and Alexa Nelson.
Culbertson Opportunity Bank branch president Wayne Hendrickson retired after 22 years with the organization.
Emilynn Priddy Powell received many awards during the Montana State 4-H horse show held in Vaughn.
More than 140 local students attended a career day function at C& B Operations in Culbertson. The event included opportunities for students to test drive large farm machinery and implements, as well as other large vehicles and heavy machinery and participate in games designed to develop related skills.
Gov. Greg Gianforte and his wife, Susan, were on hand at Dry Prairie in Culbertson to present Culbertson’s Clint Jacobs with a 2023 Montana Governor’s Veteran Commendation. Jacobs was a corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps and served a tour in Vietnam as a combat Marine. He earned the Combat Action Medal, the Navy Unit Citation Medal, the Vietnam Cross of Gallantry Medal and the National Defense Service Medal. Tyler Traeger of the MonDak Area Stockgrowers Association presented a $2,000 check to Bainville Schools’ lunch coordinator Natasha Matlow to purchase local beef for meals.
The Bainville Town Council announced that Interstate Engineering will donate a bench in the town park in honor of the late Lyle Lambert.
Col. Heather J. Carlisle (Army, retired) was the main speaker for the Veterans Day program at Culbertson High School.
Winners in county elections included Thomas Bleicher as attorney, Douglas Marottek as commissioner, Erika Fyfe for clerk of district clerk and superintendent of schools and Tracy Miranda for clerk and recorder. Benjamin Fosland was elected the new district judge for district 15.
Roosevelt County Fair manager Angela Miller was honored as the winner of the Fair Manager of the Year award at the 2024 Rocky Mountain Association of Fairs’ convention.
Culbertson teacher April Wills was presented with the 2024 Montana Teacher of the Year award from the Gilder Lehrman Institute for American History. Maria’s Restaurant opened in Culbertson at the location of the former Wild West Diner.
The Bainville Town Council hired David Norton as the town’s new fire chief.
Both Culbertson and Bainville continue searching for volunteers to serve on the government review committee.
FFA students from Culbertson, Bainville and Froid earned honors during a competition held in Sidney.
District Judge David Cybulski officially sworn in Roosevelt County officials starting terms in 2024 during a ceremony held in the county courthouse on Dec. 11. Among the individuals sworn in were new county commissioner Douglas Marottek and new county attorney Thomas Bleicher.