Chamber Prepares For Basketball Tournament In Wolf Point
Wolf Point High School’s activities director Eric Peterson requested assistance from the Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture for the upcoming District 3C basketball tournament scheduled for Feb. 19-22 at the high school.
The chamber will provide volunteers for ticket takers, concessions and will take care of the hospitality room.
Games will begin at noon on Feb. 19-20, and at 3 p.m. on Feb. 21-22. There will be six games on Feb. 19-20, and four games on Feb. 21-22. Teams will include Scobey, Lustre Christian, Circle, North Country, Frazer, Dodson and Nashua.
Chamber board members discussed having a Chamber After Hours event for the Chinese New Year or Valentine’s Day.
Kristen Bekker of Cape Air was voted to be a new Chamber board member.
Board members discussed different options of using existing Stampede funds including a Saturday night show with a live band, scholarships or matching funds for replacing the east grandstands at the Stampede grounds. The 100th committee will hold a meeting to discuss ideas.
The Reimagining Rural program will have sessions on Feb. 4, 11 and 18. Reimagining Rural is a three-night virtual webinar series designed for small towns. The program includes speakers on important rural topics. Goals for the program include increasing financial capacity by receiving more grant funds and increase self confidence in getting projects started.
Chamber Executive Director Jayden Diener is giving the chamber’s website a makeover.
Chamber President Scott Keen said the Stampede committee’s Christmas tree sale made only a slight profit this past holiday season. Officials will have to decide whether to continue the project. Pre-orders might be an option.
Board members discussed the challenges of getting younger people involved in community activities.