Community N
ews (USPS 23030) P.O. Box 379 Wolf Point, Montana 59201 406-653-2775 Fax: 406-653-2777 E-mail:
Established In 2019
Community News (USPS# 23030 is published weekly by Northern Plains Independent Inc. dba Community News, 408 Main Street, Wolf Point, MT 59201-1510. Periodical Postage Paid at Wolf Point, Montana. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Community News, P.O. Box 379, Wolf Point, Montana 592010379.
Darla Downs, Publisher James Walling, Editor Bill Vander Weele, Editor
SUBSCRIPTION: Per year $43.50 (in the counties of Roosevelt, Daniels, Mc-Cone, Valley, Sheridan and Richland.) Within the state of Montana outside the above counties per year $52.50. Outside the state of Montana, within the United States, per year $59.50. Foreign Countries, per year $110. 6 months - 1/2 of regular rate plus $1 3 months - 1/4 of regular rate plus $1