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Myrna Greufe

Myrna Archdale Greufe, 94, of Wolf Point died Jan. 30, 2025.

She was born Aug. 2, 1930, to James and Rose Fighter Archdale in their log cabin home in Oswego. Mother and new baby daughter were then taken by wagon to the hospital in Wolf Point to receive On Jan. 20, 1951, she was united in marriage to Harold Francis Greufe of Lustre. To this union, three daughters were born, Judith Lynn, Suzanne Marie and Feryl Kaye. They enjoyed nearly 62 years of marriage, during which the family were treated to vacations to the mountains and parks of Montana, and the Black Hills of South Dakota, along with camping and picnicking weekends at Fort Peck Lake, and a smattering of pow-wows, until the girls were married and created their own families.

Together, she and Harry enjoyed ministry whenever the opportunity presented itself, leading many to the Lord. After Harry’s death, she continued to pray for any who asked and often for those less fortunate. Throughout her life, she was a mentor to many and continued in ministry with her niece Kathleen Ventura. Along with Harry, she was a pillar of the Assembly of God Church in Poplar.

She was a loyal employee of the Fort Peck Tribes who witnessed many changes over the years. It is believed that she worked nearly 50 years for the Tribes, but there is no longer anyone who can confirm the exact number. Her role for most of her career was secretary to the chairman and using her stenographic skills, recording secretary for council meetings. During one particular legal action in the 1970s, the Tribes’ attorney, Marvin Sonosky, dictated a legal paper to her, which she then transcribed, typed and

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