Culbertson Council Talks Bid Deadline, Junk Vehicles
The Culbertson Town Council held its regular meeting Feb. 10 at 6:30 p.m. A bathhouse update was provided. A virtual pre-bid meeting for potential contractors is set for Feb. 19. The deadline for bids is Feb. 28. Contract clerk Terri Merrill at 406-787-5271 for more information or write to townclerk@ A zoom link for the Feb. 19 meeting can be provided.
Zach Schopp with Seed of Life Labs marijuana dispensary is seeking a conditional use permit to use the shop building next to Napa on the eastern edge of city limits. A municipal dispensary license fee of $50 was approved and a possible limit on the number of dispensaries was discussed. The matter was tabled until next month.
A parking complaint was filed by a local resident about junk vehicles and other unsightly equipment on the west side of town. Roosevelt County Sheriff Jason Fredericks spoke to Mayor Todd Gabriel about the complaint and said that his office would follow up on the matter.
Ordinance language was discussed. The council decided to raise the fee for mowing on unkempt lots to $100.
Town Cleanup Day is in planning stages for early June. To help coordinate with event planners, contact the town office.
Public works director Bob Jasper reported a problem with the lagoon related to icy equipment. He said repairs are ongoing. The council approved Jasper to attend a weed spraying training in Scobey.
Council members approved clearing several unclaimed checks from town accounts.
Minutes for the Jan. 13 meeting were approved, as were financials and claims.
The next regular meeting is set for March 10 at 6:30 p.m.