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Letter to the Editor

To the Editor,

Our little Triangle Park is located right smack in the heart of our little town. It’s a beautiful spot, already set up with a beautiful lawn (with an automatic sprinkling system) and big, beautiful trees that give a lot of shade in the summer time. I believe (but am not sure) the city does the mowing.

Beautification volunteers keep the area on the west end of the park looking beautiful with bushes and flowers. And they maintain it all summer long. At one time, we had concrete picnic tables, but they were removed to keep the street people out.

I personally would rather look at a park than a concrete jungle with more gas pumps and a bunch of semis coming and going. Can you imagine the congestion? It would be a nightmare! A lot of children cross the four-lane on their way to and from schools, besides the vehicles. Town Pump feels they could take care of it all and keep the street people away. They can’t even keep these people away from Town Pump.

Now, Town Pump is proposing to pay the city $20,000 for Triangle Park. Wow! What’s the city going to do with $20,000?

Why not work on the real problem, instead of trying to turn everything else upside down and sideways so as not to face the problem head on? Our town has gone to hell and the crime here is over the top. Nobody feels safe here anymore.

We deserve to have Triangle Park to look at and enjoy. There’s very few nice areas left. And why are some people dead set on selling the property? Doesn’t make any sense to me.

I’m not in favor of selling Triangle Park! And it’s Triangle Park, not Town Pump Park. Come on people, united we stand. Kali Lien Wolf Point

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