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Tobacco Prevention Notes

Feb. 16-22 is “Through with Chew Week” and Roosevelt County Health Department is encouraging people who use smokeless tobacco to set a quit date and quit for good. Over half of the smokeless tobacco users who used Quit Now Montana in 2023 were able to successfully become tobacco-free! Quit Now Montana coaches can help you, too.

Smokeless tobacco, or chew, contains at least 28 compounds that have been linked to cancers of the mouth, esophagus, and pancreas, according to research. Smokeless tobacco can also lead to gum disease, heart disease, and precancerous mouth sores, among other health consequences.

Nicotine pouches have started to grow in popularity, with 22 percent of Montanans aged 15 to 25 having tried these products and 9 percent currently using them. Nicotine pouches are not riskfree. Any form of nicotine use is dangerous to fetuses, youth and young adults because it can harm brain development. Additionally, nicotine can worsen symptoms of depression and anxiety in youth.

Smokeless products are not designed to help you quit; they are designed to keep you addicted. To date, no smokeless tobacco product nor nicotine pouch has been approved by the FDA as a smoking cessation aid. There are seven FDA-approved cessation aids that have been proven to help people quit through decades of research.

Ready to quit? Make a plan and list your reasons for quitting. Track your daily use of smokeless tobacco. Recognize how you will need to change your routine. Ask for support from your family, friends, or co-workers. Talk with your doctor, dentist, pharmacist, or a health professional about available quit medications and get help through Quit Now Montana.

Quit Now Montana (1-800784-8669 or QuitNowMontana. com) is a free service available to all Montanans who are ready to quit any form of tobacco, including smokeless tobacco and nicotine pouches. Quit Now Montana offers free nicotine replacement therapy, cessation medications with a prescription, free counseling with a certified quit coach, and a personalized quit plan. Quit Now Montana also offers free chat services with a live coach and texting options for those under the age of 25.

Find what works for you and be kind to yourself. Relapse is not a failure. Instead, it’s an opportunity to try again.

To get started, visit www. or call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1800-784-8669) to enroll. American Indians can reach Native coaches directly by calling 1-855-524-7848. Coaches are available 24 hours, 7 days per week.

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