Final Environmental Impact Statement For Wolf Management Plan Release
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks has released a final environmental impact statement analyzing potential environmental impacts from the statewide management of gray wolves. Issuing the final EIS is a key step in a process that started in 2023, when FWP originally released the draft EIS. The draft EIS was made available for public review and comment from Oct. 20, 2023, through Dec. 19, 2023, and again from Feb. 8, 2024, through March 9, 2024. The additional 30-day comment window was to offer an opportunity for additional input from Tribes and affected counties.
“This final EIS means the update to the 2003 Wolf Plan is nearly complete,” said FWP director Christy Clark. “We appreciate the comments and feedback we’ve received on our draft documents from people across the state and country. That input is critical in ensuring we have a plan that is effective in managing wolves moving forward.”
FWP analyzed two alternatives in the final EIS. Alternative 1, the “no action” alternative, would represent the status quo.
Under Alternative 2, FWP’s proposed alternative, FWP would adopt and implement the 2025 Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management Plan. If approved, the statewide plan would replace the 2003 Montana Wolf Conservation and Management Planning Document. The 2003 Wolf Plan does not include details on how wolves are currently monitored and managed. It also does not address recent research regarding monitoring methods and management strategies, such as surveys on wolf tolerance and nonlethal preventative strategies. The final EIS addresses issues and concerns raised during the public comment period. All new information and analysis supplied during the comment period were used to prepare the final EIS and FWP’s response to comments received on the draft EIS.