State Crashes, Fatalities Slightly Higher During 2024
Crashes and deaths responded to by the Montana Highway Patrol were slightly higher in 2024 than in the previous year, according to the department.
The total amount of crashes responded to during the year was 159. Those crashes included 24 on the interstate, 57 on primary roads, 33 on rural roads, 26 on secondary roads and 18 on urban roads.
There were 170 fatalities in 2024 including 25 on the interstate, 62 on primary roads, 36 on rural roads, 27 on secondary roads and 19 on urban roads.
By comparison, there were 158 crashes and 165 fatalities in 2023. There were 150 crashes and 178 deaths in 2022.
Roosevelt County is part of District 5 headquartered in Glendive. That district responded to eight deaths in 2024 compared to nine in 2023 and 16 in 2022. Districts with the most reported fatalities in 2024 were District 4 (Billings) with 45 and District 7 (Bozeman) with 27.
Of the 170 total deaths, 64 were alcohol suspected, 26 were drugs suspected and 87 were speed suspected. There were 103 one-vehicle crashes, 33 motorcycle and five ATV. Seat belts were not used in 76 of the deaths. Pedestrians were involved in nine of the deaths.
A total of 105 of the deaths occurred during daylight hours and 34 involved out of state vehicles.
Of the 159 other crashes, 57 were alcohol suspended, 22 drugs suspected and 80 speed suspected. Seat belts were not used in 76 of the crashes. Motorcycles were involved in 32 of the crashes. A total of 98 of the crashes came during daylight hours and 32 involved out of state vehicles.