Bainville Council Talks Water Rights Lease, Softball Field Fund
The regular meeting of the Bainville Town Council was called to order at 7 p.m. Feb. 10 by Mayor Toby Romo at the Bainville Town Hall. Those present included Mayor Toby Romo and council members Will Rathbun and John Gilligan.
Romo said that Dan Lambert is gathering bids for a broom attachment and Lambert is also gathering bids for concrete, insulation and wiring for the town shop.
Fire Chief David Norton mentioned that ISO would be completed Feb. 13. He also suggested putting a reminder on the next utility bill to check the batteries in smoke detectors and to make sure the sewer vents are not blocked with ice or frozen.
A building permit was approved for an addition onto an existing building. A motion was passed to disconnect the meter at the unused lagoon pivot.
Discussions were held about creating a fund set up specifically for a softball field. More discussion will be held at the March meeting.
Discussions took place about a water rights lease to Asgard Construction. The council reviewed the contract drafted by Laura Christoffersen and would like to make a few changes to the lease. The council requested to know which of the three wells provide water to which house located on Granleys’ property. There will be further discussion at the March meeting.
Regular meeting minutes for the Jan. 13 meeting were passed as amended, as were the treasurers report, cash balance report, bank reconciliation report, YTD expense vs budget, YTD revenue vs budget, bank statements for January and utility billing receipts for January. The council reviewed delinquent accounts and approved claims and JVs in the amount of $24,718.26.