Lustre News

The Valley County Spelling Bee was held at Lustre Grade School Gymnasium with 22 of the 25 qualifying students present. Students came from Hinsdale, Opheim, Frazer, Lustre and Nashua.
Kaitlyn Old Person, number 16, of Frazer won first place, and Milo Barrera-Jones, number 2 of Hinsdale, won runner-up. Kaitlyn is a fifth grader and she will be competing at the State Spelling Bee in Bozeman, with Milo taking her place if she is unable to go.
Qualifying from Hinsdale were Reese Bowman, Hudson Hubbard, Milo Barrera- Jones, Hayzle Ortega and Jersey Sallee-Cornwell. Competing from Opheim were Lana Mason, Sheila Mason, TJ Miller, Paytin Stenglein and Tate Allestad. Qualifying from Frazer were LaForce Lilley, Gage Bear Mocassin, Kaitlin Old Person and Maggie Toavs. Qualifying from Lustre were Tessa Olfert, Justin Schiller, Harlo Reddig, Hannah Pankratz and Ian Unrau. Competing from Nashua were Jonathan Clark, Britany Fuller, Heath Hankins, Ellie Laumeyer and Laramie Hystad.
There was a practice round, then four rounds. The county spelling bee was administrated by Alicia Olfert, with Tiffany Garner as head judge, Shelly Keller keeping records, and Abby Olfert, listener. The top 10 included with their (grade level), were: Tate Allestad (fifth), Britany Fuller (eighth), Tessa Olfert (eighth), Hannah Pankratz (sixth), Justin Schiller (seventh), Milo Barrera-Jones (eighth), Ellie Laumeyer (seventh), TJ Miller (sixth), Lana Mason (eighth) and Kaitlyn Old Person (fifth).
Last night the Northern Lights were bright yellow across the north to north west between 2 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. It was bright enough to wake one up. Tonight is the heralded line-up of all seven planets at the horizon, at about 6-7 pm. The mild 4250 degree weather and clear skies will surely enhance the viewing. Mars will be to the east, Saturn will barely be visible before it goes behind the setting sun, Venus will be the brightest, Jupitor second highest, and Mercury at the horizon. You will need a telescope to see Neptune and Pluto, out beyond Uranus.
Students who were unable to attend the Vers-athon due to sickness as well as students who still had verses to recite at closing, were given until Sunday to say them to a leader or a parent. A bit more than 2,000 verses were said by the group, and we will have a fuller report next week.