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Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Report

The Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office responded to 90 calls from Feb. 24 to March 2.

Feb. 25

Deputies assisted by the Fort Peck Tribes Department of Law and Justice conducted a traffic stop near the Homestead Inn in Wolf Point. Robin Mountain, 35, was charged with driving under the influence, second offense; driving while the privilege to do so is suspended; having license plates belonging to another vehicle; failure to have two working headlights; and not having current liability insurance.

Deputies responded to TJ’s Quick Stop in Poplar for a medical call. An adult male said he was assaulted. He was transported to the emergency room in Poplar.

Feb. 26

Deputies responded to Montana Highway 16 north of Culbertson for a vehicle that slid off the road and into the ditch.

Deputies assisted FPTDLJ and the Wolf Point Police Department for an unattended death on First Avenue South in Wolf Point. The case remains under investigation. FPTDLJ and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are the primary investigators.

Deputies and FPTDLJ responded to a report of four juvenile males reportedly with firearms. A BB gun was confiscated.

Feb. 27

Deputies responded to Fort Kipp for a complaint of a male spouse taking his wife’s purse. The male left the residence.

Deputies and FPTDLJ responded to Agland Hardware in Wolf Point for a complaint of an intoxicated female causing trouble in the parking lot. She was removed.

Feb. 28

Deputies received a report from the new roller rink in Poplar. Juveniles were creating a disturbance outside the building. The juveniles left the scene before law enforcement arrived.

March 2

Deputies received a report in Froid of juveniles driving four-wheelers recklessly.

Deputies gave a traffic citation to an adult female in Wolf Point.

The Roosevelt County Sheriff’s report activity statistics for the past week were: Wolf Point city limits, 17; Wolf Point rural, three; Wolf Point, FPHA areas, five; Poplar city limits, five; Poplar rural, two; Poplar FPHA all other, five; Culbertson town, 18; Culbertson rural, seven; Bainville town, one; Bainville rural, six; Froid Town, two; Froid rural, one; Richland County, one; any other area, one; Brockton town, seven; Brockton rural, five; total, 90.

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