Trustees Approve District Improvement, Strategic Plans
After work completed by a community committee, the Wolf Point School Board approved a District Improvement Plan/Integrated Strategic Action Plan during a meeting held on Feb. 24.
Wolf Point Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Perkins noted that five goals were established through the process.
Those five goals included: 1. By the end of 2025, the spring NWEA reading/ELA Data will show a 3 percent decrease for the number of students who are in the bottom performance section.
2. By the end of 2025, the spring NWEA math data will show a 3 percent decrease of the number of students who are in the bottom performance section. 3. Improve teacher quality through recruitment, training and coaching, resulting in improvement by a reduction of emergency authorization of employment staff with more certified staff.
4. Family and community engagement will increase by at least two events by the end of the 2025-2026 school year.
5. Attendance will improve by 3 percent by the end of the 2025-2026 school year.
Trustees unanimously approved the plan.
Perkins explained it’s a living document and will be changing.
Trustees also approved the official “portrait of a graduate.” The information includes Holistic (lifelong learner, problem solver), Integrity (culture, family), High expectations (college/career ready, motivated), Respect (attendance matters, prepared), Relationships (social-emotional, empathetic, effective communicator), and Pride (strong in identity and courageous in spirit.
Wolf Point will add the sports of junior high golf and junior high tennis. Athletic director Eric Peterson said those are the only two sports without a feeder program.
Students won’t travel at least for the beginning of the programs.
Trustees unanimously approved the request to add the two sports.
“I think it’s excellent, I really do,” board chair Roxanne Gourneau said.