Culbertson Council Reviews Bathhouse Bid, Chickens
The Culbertson Town Council held its regular meeting March 10.
Jeremy Fadness with WWC Engineering provided an update about the bathhouse project. The sole bid received on the project came in at approximately $900,000. Council members agreed to table the matter for another 30 days to seek and collect additional competitive bids for the project before moving forward.
Chief Deputy Patrick O’Connor with the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office was in attendance to ask for clarifying language in the town parking ordinance to allow for easier enforcement.
He added enforcement efforts are ongoing. “There’s gonna be one or two people in Culbertson who get their vehicles towed because they just keep ignoring our requests.” Council members agreed to review the language in coordination with legal council.
Resolution 531 was read aloud and the council adopted the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan in coordination with state and local emergency management services.
The council discussed the ordinance affecting chickens and other fowl. Mary Drake addressed the council asking to have the current ordinance changed to allow for keeping of chickens in town, with regulation. She brought signature sheets with her from a petition in favor of the move. The council discussed the issue and tabled the matter for 30 days to gather information.
Public works director Bob Jasper discussed working on three water main breaks during the last two weeks. Additional repairs and paving efforts are in planning stages while temps rise. He also reported the air line at the lagoon has thawed out and is working correctly.
A town clean up day has been set for May 31. Times and details will be announced. Individuals interested in volunteering for the event should contact the town office at 406-787-5271.
The next regular council meeting is set for April 7 at 6:30 p.m.