Lustre News

The 60th annual Schmeckfest is coming! It is Friday, March 28, at LCHS serving from 5-7 p.m. All proceeds are to support LCHS. There will be a live and online auction, bake sale and entertainment. Advance tickets are available at LCHS, Bakers Jewelry in Glasgow and Agland Hardware in Wolf Point.
LCHS was a busy place Wednesday evening when Awana met on Feb 26, for their Vers-athon. Awana commander Dawson Olfert told the students at the end of the evening, that the equivalent of the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah were recited in the number of verses said by the children in the club and their leaders, who also said verses. He also said “this was a casual event. If you were really serious about learning the Word of God by heart, you’d be doubling down to memorize entire books.”
In fact, some of the leaders had challenged the older students to memorize the book of Isaiah, and some did take on shorter books. At last count, a total of 2,545 verses were said. For perspective, according to Google, there are 2,461 verses in the Book of Psalms. Thank you to grandparents and community adults who came to help listen to the students.
The LCHS basketball team and fans traveled to Sidney for their first game against Culbertson at the divisional tournament. Boys’ teams that earned the right to compete at the 2025 divisional were MonDak, Scobey, North Country, Savage, Plentywood, Circle, Culbertson and Lustre Christian. All the players who stepped on the floor made it into the scorebook on Thursday night, winning their game against Culbertson. Friday’s 4:30 game against Plentywood was a well played game, with Johnslee Pierre scoring 26, Preston Klatt 23 as high scorers. Final score was 7150. They played Scobey for the championship on Saturday evening. The state tournament begins Thursday in Butte. We are cheering for you to be there.
LGS’ Matt Counts students are travelling on Sunday to Bozeman to compete in the State Math Counts tests. Coached by Lisa Neufeld, Grace Byers, Justin Schiller, Harlo Reddig and Samantha Neufeld will be joined by alternate Coleman Hilkemann for the competition.