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Commissioners Agree to Pay For Hiring Company

Roosevelt County commissioners agreed to a contract with a hiring firm with the goal of finding a registered nurse for the Roosevelt County Health Department.

Ironside Human Resources charges an initial fee of $3,000 and then an additional fee of $7,000 if an employee is found.

“I feel we’ve pretty much exhausted our local search,” Commissioner Gordon Oelkers said.

Commissioners approved paying for the service by a 3-0 margin.

Matt Paulson, captain and treasurer for the Poplar Fire Department, requested a letter of support to obtain a federal grant to build a new fire hall in Poplar. Commissioners said they would work on the letter.

Commissioners approved the purchase of a 2025 Dodge Durango from Northern Prairie Auto Sales for the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office. Cost is $47,800.

Hired were Les Heidner as the curator for the Wolf Point Area Museum, Gale Strandlund for equipment operator/truck driver in the Bainville area and Jake Flynn for equipment operator/truck driver in the Wolf Point area. An annual pay raise for Amy Keller was approved.

During commissioners’ report, Commissioner Robert Toavs said a safety meeting was conducted with road department employees. “It’s to keep the guys abreast of safety concerns,” Toavs said.

Officials from five counties, including Roosevelt, met for the annual Montana Department of Transportation meeting. Oelkers said there aren’t any major projects planned in the county.

Officials were disappointed that they didn’t receive a bid for the Rodeo Road project, but the plan is to combine that project with another project with the hope of getting a bid. Officials still plan to put up electronic signs on Rodeo Road during the rodeo.

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