Frontier Students Showcase Learning Efforts

Good Vibes
Puppet shows, robotics displays, informative demonstrations and a wax museum were all part of a night of learning and fun as Frontier School held its Good Vibes Cafe on Thursday, March 13.
Tina Strauser, social studies teacher, explained that this was the fourth year for Good Vibes while a wax museum has been offered for about the last 10 years.
The event continues to grow. There were 10 robotics’ displays by sixth-grade students this year compared to only three last year. There were six website demonstrations this year compared to one last year.
“The goal of the night is to celebrate reading and writing,” Strauser said.
All students, including kindergarten students, took part in one way or another to show their skills.
Strauser explained the school takes pride in having even kindergartens as readers and writers. The students are researchers and historians on their topics.
“The way I teach them is they become historians and experts on their topic,” Strauser said.
The night was a good step in students’ work to prepare exhibits, demonstrations and web sites for the state’s National History Day competition. This year’s theme is “Rights and Responsibilities.”
National History Day is a nationally recognized academic enrichment program that promotes the study of history in schools. Modeled after science fairs, it encourages students to take a creative approach to studying history, fostering critical thinking and research skills. To qualify for the state competition, students incorporated feedback from Good Vibes and the regional event into their projects. Frontier’s dedicated students willingly completed the task by attending after-school programs to further refine their projects and become experts on their chosen topics.
Students providing exhibit board displays were DaRae Deserly, Naomi Deserly, Clair Weinberger, Teresa Weinberger, Keyden Beston, Deyson Deserly, Xaden Goodtrack, Amari Casterline, Walker Chapman, James Payne, Fredrich Savior, Quincee Clark, Kendrik Escarcega, Haleigh Fowler, Phoenix Grandchamp, Andrew Henson, Kori Hentges, Mariah Lewis, Iyerlee Paulson, Tatum Payne, Blake Porras, Kiara Russell, Anya Christian, Lincoln Conner, Jaidynn DuBoise, Zarrah Gonzales, Faylene Granbois, Tre’ Iwen, Acacio Miranda, Harper Miranda, Kyran Morales, Westley Rees, Izaiahs Smoker, Chase Welch, Kodi Welch and Royce Zimmerman.
Providing interactive websites were Hunter Chapman, Reed Garfield, Taylor Lindsay, Maxwell Rees, Maxton Moran, Maria Rasor and Jace YellowRobe.
Robotics presentations were performed by Blake Porras, Gabe Uy, Kendrik Escargega, Cash Matejovsky, Haleigh Fowler, Kori Hentges, Emmy Matthews, Maria Rasor, Alleaha Fourstar, Iyerlee Paulson, Kiara Russell, O’ryan Burshia, Maxton Moran, Quincee Clark, Karver Fourstar, Jace YellowRob and Phoenix Grandchamp.
Presenting documentaries were Kenzley Copenhaver, Wyatt Big Talk, Trenton Mc-Carty, O’ryan Burshia, Cash Matejovsky, Gabriel Uy, Kolter Berglee, Damari Martinez, Kayeiko Villaluz, Karver Fourstar and Emmy Matthews.