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Lustre News

Snow this morning, but it’s melted already. Awana Awards night will be Wednesday, March 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the LCHS gym. Schmeckfest is on March 28, serving from 5 to 7 p.m. at LCHS. Tickets are available at Agland in Wolf Point, Bakers Jewelry in Glasgow and at LCHS.

LGS had very few students at school (13 people with teachers), on Thursday, since most the student body accompanied their families to the State C Basketball tournament in Butte March 12-15. We are glad for our small school of 39 students to place in the top eight teams in Class C basketball, in the state of Montana. Box Elder, Melstone/Terry, Scobey, Seeley-Swan, Manhatten Christian, Bridger and Fort Benton were the boys’ teams who qualified for State. NFHS and KLTZ carried the games for those not in attendance.

Fayth (Burkholder) Boeker died Feb. 5, 2025, at the age of 78. She served on the Missions Commission for the FEBC, with which Lustre EMB is affiliated. Meeting Paul Boeker at Grace Bible Institute, they were married in 1969 and pastored in Upper Sandusky, Ohio; Milbank, S.D.; Meade, Kan. (17 years); and Omaha, Neb. Paul and Fayth traveled to speak at harvest festivals in Wolf Point and Lustre over the many years that Paul served as administrator for the FEBC on top of pastoring in Omaha. It was in this capacity that the Lustre community got to know this gracious, wise and godly couple who came particularly to encourage the pastors in their work. Paul died in 2024 of diabetes complications. They leave four children with families and siblings, including Barbara Busenitz of Benton, Kan., and Cindy Wiens of Kansas City, Mo.

Lustre Bible Academy alumni, Irma (Schultes) Heidner, age 94, died Thursday, March 13, 2025, in her home in Evan Mills, N.Y. where they’d moved to be near her daughter Tami and her husband, Mark Adams. She is survived by her husband, Dale Heidner, son of Nelson and Dorothy Heidner. Dale and Irma were instrumental in the establishment of KGLE radio in the fall of 1962 in Glendive, where he was the radio engineer. After retiring, they moved to Belgrade and only recently, moved to New York. She was born in 1931 in Alacap, Romania, daughter of Edward and Pauline Schultes. She came to the United States at the age of 18 to live with and work for her father’s cousin, Jacob J. Schultes Jr. and Pauline Schultes. She attended Lustre Bible Academy at that time, learning English from Eunice (Toavs) Wiens, a classmate attending school. Dale and Irma were married June 17, 1953, at the Bethel Wolf Point Church and attended Grace Bible Institute, living in Council Bluffs, Iowa. She is survived by four children, Vern Heidner of Otsego, Minn., Dennis Heidner of Kirkland, Wash., Debbie Canales of Caloun, La., and Tami Adams of Evan Mills, N.Y., and their families.

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