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Trustees Rescind Bonus Motion After Perkins’ Request

The Wolf Point School Board agreed with Superintendent Dr. David Perkins’ request to have a motion rescinded that took place at the end of the Feb. 10, meeting regarding a bonus for the superintendent.

Perkins said someone could question whether the matter was properly listed on the agenda and could take the school board to court. The school district could wind up paying the other parties’ attorney fees. Perkins suggested to list the item on an agenda at a future meeting, possibly after teachers’ contract negotiations are completed.

The agenda for the Feb. 10 meeting read, “Possible executive session - Superintendent Evaluation and Approval of Closed Session Minutes.”

At the meeting, trustees approved a bonus of $11,000 for the superintendent.

According to the board’s official minutes, board secretary Naomi Erickson and district clerk Demi Wilkinson thought it was best to bring an action item to the next meeting as an agenda item specifically for the bonus. Perkins commented that it could be challenged as it was not specifically on the agenda. Erickson explained the superintendent’s last pay raise was an agenda item.

Board chair Roxanne Gourneau said she would allow the motion by trustee Michael Turcotte because you were doing an evaluation that coincides with a performance improvement find or a reconciliation of increase, so this was posted. The motion carried by a 5-0 vote.

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