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Public Meetings Set To Discuss School Changes

The Wolf Point School District has announced three scheduled public hearings to discuss possibly moving grades to different schools.

A proposal being considered is moving third-grade students from Southside Elementary School to Northside Elementary School and having sixth-grade students attend classes at the junior high school.

Meetings are planned for Monday, March 31, at Southside; Tuesday, April 1, at Northside; and Thursday, April 3, at the junior high/high school library. Each meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Any individual wishing to comment will have an uninterrupted three-minute time frame to express their views.

During a school board meeting this month, Wolf Point Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Perkins said the changes would address a variety of topics. If the needed funding becomes available to build a new school, building a pre-kindergarten to second-grade school would be less expensive than a pre-kindergarten to fifth-grade school.

Perkins said the plans may include the administration office going back to the building currently being leased to the Montana Highway Patrol on Fourth Avenue South. Perkins said that office will provide school officials with more privacy. The current administration office could then be utilized as a band room for Northside’s music students.

If a change is approved, the school district needs to inform the Montana Office of Public Instruction by the end of May due to financial impacts because the sixthgrade students would be considered junior high students.

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