21 September 2023


24 August 2023






Wins Counselor  Of The Year

Wins Counselor Of The Year

Ninette Hamilton was awarded “Counselor of the Year” from the Consortia of Administrators for Native American Rehabilitation for her dedication and commitment to improve the quality of rehabilitation service provision to Native Americans with disabilities. Hamilton was the top selection among 81 programs that provide vocational rehabilitation services to Native Americans and Alaskan Natives.
10 August 2023


Warriors On The Water Program Makes Difference In Lives

Warriors On The Water Program Makes Difference In Lives

Montana Warriors on the Water created a positive change in the lives of 14 veterans during a trip in the state that ended at the Fort Peck Marina on Saturday, July 29. Montana Warriors on the Water is comprised of local sportsmen and women, and veterans of the U.S. Military, partnered with local businesses, communities, and organizations, providing outdoor recreational therapy and opportunities
27 July 2023


MSU Hosts Japanese Educators  To Improve Higher Education

MSU Hosts Japanese Educators To Improve Higher Education

Friendly people, easy access to nature and Bobcat pride were a few of the surprises that have greeted a group of seven Japanese educators visiting Bozeman this summer as part of a 10-month career development program hosted by Montana State University. The participants in MSU’s Long-Term Education Administrators program, arrived at the MSU campus in early June for two months of intensive


22 June 2023
