09 July 2020





25 June 2020


Federal, State Income Taxes Due July 15

Federal, State Income Taxes Due July 15

As Montanans look forward to summer, the Montana Department of Revenue has a reminder: Federal and state income taxes are due July 15. “Montanans have handled a lot in these past few months, so I thank all those who have already filed their returns,” said Gene Walborn, director of the Department of Revenue. “For those who haven’t, this is a good time to make sure you have your tax


18 June 2020


Montana’s Family Farms And Ranches Face Uncertain Future As Producers Age Out

Montana’s Family Farms And Ranches Face Uncertain Future As Producers Age Out

Independent Record The 68-year-old old poultry farmer pointed out the hen houses he built decades ago, providing details of each wooden tenement's residents. Hugh Spencer built the hen houses and accompanying grain bins, which look like high-density housing for chickens, shortly after he and his wife, Viki, purchased the land in 1981. Spencer's 48-week-old hens are kept in the


Smith, Peters Selected For  Brayden Jackson Scholarship

Smith, Peters Selected For Brayden Jackson Scholarship

The first recipients of the annual Brayden Joseph Jackson Memorial Scholarship are Wolf Point’s Bryor Roy Smith and Nashua’s Brennan Peters. The scholarship committee created the award to honor Jackson and focused this year on his love for baseball. Formerly of Frazer, Jackson was killed in an auto accident Sept. 26, 2018. He was 18 years old. Jackson participated in Glasgow baseball


11 June 2020


Historical Society Names First Female Director

Historical Society Names First Female Director

The Montana Historical Society is making history itself by appointing Molly Kruckenberg to be its first woman director in 155 years. Kruckenberg will take the reins from Director Bruce Whittenberg on Oct. 1, when he steps back from full-time duties. Whittenberg, who has been at the Montana Historical Society for nine years, is retiring but will stay on in a limited role through the end of the