11 June 2020



Wolf Point Boys’ Pee Wee

Wolf Point Boys’ Pee Wee

The combined pee wee boys’ A and B teams are (front row, left to right) Blake Porras, Kye Paulson, Hunter Zimmerman, Quincee Clark, Emmitt Jackson, Frank Kunz, (back row) Kylan Egnacheski, Lincoln Conner, Acacio Miranda, Noah Austin, O’ryan Burshia, Kyran Morales, Rylan Campbell, Kendrik Escarcega, Bryson Kreusel and Xayvian Robinson. (Photo by John Plestina)


Yellow Jackets Play Ball After Legion And Babe Ruth

Yellow Jackets Play Ball After Legion And Babe Ruth

With the COVID-19 pandemic turning many aspects of life upside down, baseball was no exception. Coronavirus cast a veil of uncertainty on national youth baseball programs. The Wolf Point Yellow Jackets avoided being stopped from playing by taking innovative measures. The American Legion first cancelled the Legion World Series and the eight regional tournaments, but allowed Legion baseball to


Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jackets

The Wolf Point Yellow Jackets, not affiliated with American Legion Baseball or Babe Ruth League this year, are pictured with the “A” and “B” together. Pictured are (front row, from left to right) Lennoxx Lilley, Kelby Bauer, Leah Snyder, Myklynn Lewis, Landon Young, (middle tow) Mitchell Brown, Charley Page, Andrew Azure, Logan Bushman, Trevin Boysun, Leil Reddog, (back row) Logan Brown, Josh


Communities Join To Form Baseball Leagues

Communities Join To Form Baseball Leagues

Community News Staff Youngsters from across northeast Montana are batting it out on the baseball field in the Big Muddy leagues again this summer. The majors league consists of a combined team of players from Medicine Lake, Froid and Culbertson as well as Plentywood and Scobey. The minors league includes teams from Medicine Lake/Froid, Scobey and Culbertson. Games this Thursday, June


Froid/Lake Reds

Froid/Lake Reds

Froid/Lake Reds minor team members are (back row, left to right) coach Casey Aasheim, Finn Hoffman, Kline Fossum, Carson Aasheim, Eduardo Orozco, Jake Nordlund, Carsen Kelm, Teegan Fossum, coach Levi Fossum, (front row) Logan Standke, Jett Davidson, Tucker Runess, Aaron Orozco, Jax Ator and Lyle Larson. ( Community News Staff Photo)


Culbertson Cubs

Culbertson Cubs

Playing for the minor team are (back row, left to right) Cage Damm, Aaron Schmitz, Kyn Berry, Adam Ellerkamp, Felixe Becker, Arlie Purvis, Noah Fox, Sander Williams, (front row) Hunter Lee, Rayne Damm, Xavier Lapp, Gerald Happ and Cord Snyder. ( Community News Staff Photo)


Froid/Lake Reds

Froid/Lake Reds

Froid/Lake Reds minor team members are (back row, left to right) coach Casey Aasheim, Finn Hoffman, Kline Fossum, Carson Aasheim, Eduardo Orozco, Jake Nordlund, Carsen Kelm, Teegan Fossum, coach Levi Fossum, (front row) Logan Standke, Jett Davidson, Tucker Runess, Aaron Orozco, Jax Ator and Lyle Larson. ( Community News Staff Photo)


Let’s Play  Ball!

Let’s Play Ball!

The players are (top row, left to right) Madisyn Spacht, McKinsey Justice, Cody Larsen, Kylie Portra, Anissa Bengochea, (middle row) Aliyana Kirn, Jazzmin Fugere, Autumn Bergum, Kylie Bergum, Amaiya Kirn and (front) Destiny Thompson. ( Community News Staff Photo)
