05 November 2020



Gold Star  Families  Receive Free  Entrance  To National  Parks

Gold Star Families Receive Free Entrance To National Parks

U.S. Senator Steve Daines announced Oct, 28 that the Department of the Interior will grant Montana veterans and Gold Star Families free access to national parks and other public lands starting Veterans Day, Nov. 11. Earlier this year, Daines introduced bipartisan legislation to provide Gold Star Families free admission into national parks and other federal public lands. “Montana veterans and


Poplar Flea Market Seeks Indoor Space

Poplar Flea Market Seeks Indoor Space

Bainville’s Diane Panasuk has been hosting an ongoing flea market in Poplar whenever weather and vendors cooperate. She and other vendors from the Bainville area set up shop on the east side of Tribal Express in Poplar, south of U.S. Highway 2. While the pandemic is forcing closures and event cancellations around the region, the flea market, situated outdoors, continues to pop up regularly.



Dark Sky Association Offers  Stargazing Resources

Dark Sky Association Offers Stargazing Resources

The Montana Chapter of the International Dark Sky Association works to protect Montana’s heritage of star-filled night skies. Their educational efforts include a calendar of sky related events and the Dark Sky Destinations map which validates the recent acknowledgment that Missouri River country is a top destination for star gazing. Notable night sky targets include Mars, which is visible
29 October 2020




Meteorologist Gilchrist Wins  NOAA Administrator’s Award

Meteorologist Gilchrist Wins NOAA Administrator’s Award

National Weather Service Glasgow’s Patrick Gilchrist will receive a prestigious award along with eight other individuals who traveled to Australia for six-week assignments in 2019. The honor is an award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and is granted by the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere who serves concurrently as the NOAA administrator. The award,


Althea Iron Cloud

Althea Iron Cloud

Althea Joy Iron Cloud, Peháğina Yuz Wįyą, “Carries the Seasons Woman,” died Oct. 16, 2020. She was born on Jan. 18, 1976, in Ronan to Anita Nylene Iron Cloud and Wayne Martell. She attended school in many places, including Wolf Point and Lodge Grass, since she moved around a lot. She received her G.E.D. from Kicking Horse Job Corps. She had many jobs, including customer service,


August Spotted Wolf

August Spotted Wolf

August “Jug” Spotted Wolf, 62, died Oct. 18, 2020, in Wolf Point. He was born Sept. 13, 1958, in Poplar to Sterling G. Spotted Wolf and Vera B. Roberts- Spotted Wolf-Standing Bear-Ironman. He also considered Yvonne V. Smoker- Broaddus as his mother who helped raise him and Charles J. Gopher and Edward G. Broaddus as his father. He was involved in basketball and cross country during