30 July 2020



The Pastor’s Corner

The Pastor’s Corner

orner “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 So, I want you to think for a moment. How are we adding light to the world? How are we ‘lighting the way’ for others? ‘Lighting the way’ is about making a mark, making a difference, ignoring the negative attitudes and opinions of others, and being a positive influencer. “Your light” is





23 July 2020


Sheridan Electric Hires New  Service And Marketing Manager

Sheridan Electric Hires New Service And Marketing Manager

Josh Johnson And Family Pictured are Sheridan Electric’s new service and marketing manager Josh Johnson (right) along with his wife, Leanne (second from right) and children (left to right) Aleah, Isaac and Avery. Sheridan Electric Cooperative would like to introduce Josh Johnson as the new member service and marketing manager at Sheridan Electric Cooperative. This introduction is to the


White Eagle Visits TEB

White Eagle Visits TEB

(Submitted Dennis , 22, of Wolf Point, visited the Tribal Executive Board meeting in Poplar Monday, July 13. is currently stationed at Joint Base Lewis-Mc-Chord near Tacoma, Wash. He is an 11b Infantrymen with the U.S. Army. His position is assistant gunner. He has been a fire team leader and a Stryker vehicle commander/gunner. He’s been stationed at JBLM for three years. He and wife


County Health Department Provides  Explanations For Terms Used During Pandemic

County Health Department Provides Explanations For Terms Used During Pandemic

The Wolf Point 100 Club will be holding a fundraiser drawing Aug. 14. Wolf Point 100 Club board members Cindy Hanks, Dave Fyfe and Tammy Bartel pose by the branded water they had hoped to sell at various events during 2020, the 40th anniversary of the Wolf Point 100 Club. Visit the organization’s Facebook page for more information. During this COVID-19 pandemic, words are used in the media, on
