15 January 2020







Independence Bank Scholarship Deadline Nears

Independence Bank Scholarship Deadline Nears

The Independence Bank Scholarship application deadline is quickly approaching. Applications for the scholarship must be received in the MSU - Northern financial aid office by Feb. 7. The Independence Bank Scholarship is open to incoming freshman students planning to attend MSU - Northern. To be eligible students must graduate from a high school in Hill, Blaine, Phillips, Valley, Roosevelt,




Kindergartner Royce received certificates for student of the month and perfect attendance for October through December from Lustre Grade School. His student of the month award reads: “For always trying his best, showing great enthusiasm for learning and having a positive attitude.” (Submitted photo)


Wilson Named To Western  Native Voice Board

Wilson Named To Western Native Voice Board

Poplar’s Montana Duke Wilson, 29, has been named to the Western Native Voice board of directors. The organization’s mission emphasizes efforts to increase voter turnout in Indian Country. According to a press release from WNV, Wilson is a Two-Spirit Gros Ventre, Assiniboine and Sioux. He holds a Master of Philosophy in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge with the highest


Nellie Silk

Nellie Silk

Nellie Silk, Wha Ina Pe Win “Takes Them Out Woman”, 87, of Wolf Point, died Jan. 4, 2020, at Trinity Hospital. She was born March 29, 1932 at the Fort Peck Hospital in Poplar to John and Nancy Follows the Road. Nellie’s mother died when Nellie was nine. She was raised by grandparents Thomas and Mary Long Cloud, “Hunkaiapi” (An Elder) and “Good Pipe Woman”. They taught her many
