23 September 2021


Zilkoski Rees Joins Teaching Staff At Frontier

Zilkoski Rees Joins Teaching Staff At Frontier

Marianne E. Zilkoski Rees has joined the teaching staff at Frontier Elementary School in Wolf Point after coaching, driving bus, serving as athletic director and a paraprofessional since 2012. She said she was inspired to teach by a class of fifth graders at the school. “It was those kids, many of whom graduated from Wolf Point High School in 2021, who inspired me,” she said. Zilkoski





16 September 2021


Nation, Area Remembers  September 11 Attacks

Nation, Area Remembers September 11 Attacks

As the nation recognized the 20th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, the area did its part of not forgetting the events of that day. The fire departments in Wolf Point, Culbertson and Bainville each displayed fire engines with flags in efforts to promote awareness. The Wolf Point Fire Department rang the siren six times during the morning in memory of events on Sept. 11, 2001. In addition,



Mayor Pleased With  City’s Improvements

Mayor Pleased With City’s Improvements

Wolf Point Mayor Chris Dschaak is pleased with some of the improvements that have come on the city’s streets in the last couple of weeks. Adams Asphalt of Malta has been in town conducting overlaying projects on several Wolf Point streets. “It will be nice to see the overlaying done on the streets,” Dschaak said. In other city news, the council approved its final budget on Monday,



The Tavern Receives  First Dollar From Chamber

The Tavern Receives First Dollar From Chamber

The Tavern (EC Sports) was presented with its “First Dollar” from the Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture on Monday, Sept. 13. The business, located at 504 U.S. Highway 2, offers food items such as pizza, wings and nachos throughout the day starting at 8 a.m. As far as beverages, The Tavern provides a good variety of beers along with juices, soft drinks and twisted teas. The plan