09 September 2021






bey of Mandareem, N.D., placed ….

bey of Mandareem, N.D., placed ….

bey of Mandareem, N.D., placed first in teen girls’ traditional, followed by Georgia Alex of Fort Totten, N.D., and Kahloni Hoops of Poplar. Junior girls’ fancy saw Brockton’s Gracie Lambert in front, followed by Makenna Bird, also of Brockton, Stephanie Brown of Window Rock, Ariz., and Singing Above Fast Horse of Poplar. Meah Little Sky of White Shield, N.D., placed first in junior girls’


02 September 2021


Greenhouse Added At Wolf Point High School

Greenhouse Added At Wolf Point High School

The new greenhouse located at Wolf Point High School will be utilized to teach lessons for multiple levels of the school district. “Each school, Northside, Southside, senior high, junior high, ag ed, FFA are going to use this,” ag ed teacher Martin Toavs said. The Fort Peck Health Promotion Disease Prevention program helped build the project. The HPDP program is dedicated to improving




Poplar’s Community Center  Is Only One Like It In State

Poplar’s Community Center Is Only One Like It In State

The idea for a new $23 million recreation, education, wellness and community center for the headquarters of the Fort Peck Tribes came from an unexpected place. Put bluntly, the youth of this reservation community in Eastern Montana were tired of watching their family members die. They told the tribal council there must a be different way. Now, 20 years and more than $23 million later, a community