22 July 2021



Food & Ag Development Director Hired

Food & Ag Development Director Hired

Hailey Vine is excited about starting her duties as the Food & Ag Development Center (FADC) director for the Great Northern Development Corporation. “I’m looking forward to partnering with producers to work toward economic growth in the region,” Vine said. Vine, who is originally from South Dakota, holds a bachelors degree in animal science and a minor in business administration from


Henry Hired As Region Supervisor

Henry Hired As Region Supervisor

Drew Henry was hired as the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Region 6 regional supervisor in northeast Montana, based out of the regional headquarters in Glasgow. Henry replaced Mark Sullivan, who recently retired after working 35 years with FWP, including six years as regional supervisor. Henry, who is originally from Glasgow, was the Glasgow-area regional wildlife biologist for the







Mobile Clinic Arrives In Area

Mobile Clinic Arrives In Area

(Photo A new mobile clinic in Fort Peck has the potential to be a great new asset in the area. Julian Shields, tribal health director, said the mobile clinic features two exam rooms and a hydraulic lift to make it handicapped accessible. The $560,000 purchase was made using CARES funds as well as a grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The mobile clinic arrived in Poplar


Busy Place

Busy Place

With temperatures more than 100 degrees, the Wolf Point swimming pool has been a very busy place during the last week. The weather forecast calls for temperatures to be at least in the 90s for the next week. (Photo by Bill Vander Weele)