02 September 2021



Students Build Relationships Through Fun Activities

Students Build Relationships Through Fun Activities

By Bill Vander Weele Wolf Point High School and Junior High students had a break from their regular schedule to end the first week of the school year on Thursday, Aug. 26. As part of the HOWL project, students took part in fun activities on Thursday afternoon with the goal of building relationships. Activities included dodgeball, yoga, waterballoon volleyball toss, bingo, kahoot, art



Jackie Weeks, give plenty of ….

Jackie Weeks, give plenty of ….

Jackie Weeks, give plenty of credit to tribal Chairman Floyd Azure, who has helped shepherd the project through. Without him, they said, the wellness center would have likely died several other times. All seem to agree that the uncertain and sometimes unstable tribal politics makes the wellness center even more of an accomplishment. Every two years, the tribal council, the governing board of



26 August 2021





Trustees Vote To Not Reopen Negotiations

Trustees Vote To Not Reopen Negotiations

The Wolf Point School board has decided not to open teacher negotiations up again this fall after the Wolf Point Education Association made the suggestion to begin contract talks at a recent meeting. At a board meeting held in late July, Patricia Toavs, president of the Wolf Point Education Association, said that trustees are aware that it’s becoming very difficult for many schools to find