18 February 2021


Resistant, Persistent Weeds Focus Of Webinar

Resistant, Persistent Weeds Focus Of Webinar

Whether herbicide resistant or just aggressive spreaders, weeds are a constant plague in both crops and pastures, which is why management options are a key research subject for university and federal scientists. For Dr. Brian Jenks, a weed scientist with North Dakota State University’s North Central Research Extension Center in Minot, weeds have been at the heart of his research program







11 February 2021



Mayor Signs Optimist Day Proclamation

Mayor Signs Optimist Day Proclamation

Wolf Point Mayor Chris Dschaak recently signed a proclamation to designate Thursday, Feb. 4, as Optimist Day. The proclamation includes, “Volunteers working with young people who are our joy of today and are our hope for tomorrow, are exuberant representatives of the potential to be reached and dreams to come true. They are also unbounded in their enthusiasm to use their talents, skills and


Schmidt Pleased With  Poplar’s Improvements

Schmidt Pleased With Poplar’s Improvements

Dan Schmidt is serving his third year as the Poplar superintendent of schools. He is pleased with the progress that the school district has made during this time, but he notes that it’s because of many people’s hard work that success has been achieved. “We continue to sit down and have some very civil conversations about what they like to see for education in Poplar,” Schmidt said of his