28 January 2021






Commissioners Approve  Weed District Plan

Commissioners Approve Weed District Plan

Piocos County Attorney Job Remains Open (Photo by James Walling) The Roosevelt County Commissioners held their regular meeting Tuesday, Jan. 26. Commissioners Gordon Oelkers, Gary Macdonald and Duane Nygaard were in attendance. Bill Juve and Clay Peterson attended the meeting remotely. The commissioners approved an updated 10-year management plan for the Weed district. Department
21 January 2021


Wolf Point Mayor Looks Forward To Community Working For Success

Wolf Point Mayor Looks Forward To Community Working For Success

Chris Dschaak is starting the final year of his second term as Wolf Point’s mayor, and he feels the community is moving in the right direction. Dschaak noted Wolf Point needs everybody’s support in order to enjoy greater success. “We need a lot of the kids in their mid-20s to step up,” Dschaak said. He pointed out that additional volunteers are needed in such areas as EMTs, the fire


Health Department Offers Appointment  System For Vaccine Distribution

Health Department Offers Appointment System For Vaccine Distribution

On Jan. 11, Moderna, the company that produced the COVID-19 vaccine being used in Roosevelt County and on the Fort Peck Reservation, announced that protection from its vaccine should last a year. It will take a year for the statement to be proven, but this is welcome news as vaccination continues in our area and around the world. The Wolf Point IHS will conduct a vaccination clinic for IHS beneficiaries


