03 September 2020







Telemedicine And Montana’s Digital Divide

Telemedicine And Montana’s Digital Divide

Montana Free Press When COVID-19 safety protocols shifted whole sectors of the health care industry from in-person visits to a telehealth model, Arjun and Hannah Verma watched their parents — a pulmonologist and a cardiologist — fret about some of their elderly patients who were unprepared for the switch. The elder Vermas were concerned that their patients who didn’t own camera-enabled
02 September 2020
27 August 2020


Fire Department Receives Grant From Elks

Fire Department Receives Grant From Elks

The Wolf Point Elks Lodge #1764 and the Montana State Elks Association recenlty presented the Wolf Point Volunteer Fire Department with a local lodge grant in the amount of $1,000. At the Elks summer convention in July 2019, the MSEA trustees approved community grants of $1,000 for each lodge in good standing to be used for a project that will have community impact. Wolf Point Elks Lodge



Food Bank Output Tops 1,500 Boxes Weekly

Food Bank Output Tops 1,500 Boxes Weekly

The Wolf Point Food Bank has been getting a lot of food out to area residents in August. Shayne Foster told the Northern Plains Independent that the organization has been receiving double deliveries of donated foodstuffs recently. “We have been getting two deliveries a week,” said Foster. “It’s roughly 1,500 boxes of food per week.” The deliveries have led to lines around the