17 December 2020



Wolf Point Junior/Senior High School Students Present Winter Concert

Wolf Point Junior/Senior High School Students Present Winter Concert

Wolf Point residents had the opportunity to get more into the holiday spirit when the high school/junior high school concert was held on Tuesday, Dec. 8. The high school choir, junior high band and high school band under the direction of Russell Johnson entertained during the evening. The junior high school band started the event by performing Santa’s in the House! Selections by the




Poplar Returns Two State-placers  From Last Year’s Wrestling Team

Poplar Returns Two State-placers From Last Year’s Wrestling Team

With a turnout of 24 wrestlers, the Poplar Indians should field a solid squad this wrestling season. “It’s a good turnout for us,” Poplar coach Jason Frederick said. The Indians return two standouts who placed at the Class B state meet last season. Jase Frederick earned fourth at 113 pounds and Jacob Berger took fourth at 205 pounds. Berger will wrestle at heavyweight this season.


What Was Up With All Those ‘Velvet’ Mule Deer  Bucks This Year? The Reason May Be Due  To A Widespread EHD Outbreak Last Summer

What Was Up With All Those ‘Velvet’ Mule Deer Bucks This Year? The Reason May Be Due To A Widespread EHD Outbreak Last Summer

Hunters across northcentral and northeast Montana reported seeing a large number of mule deer bucks in velvet this general hunting season. The reason may lie in the Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease outbreak that affected deer in several areas across the region this fall. Although EHD is often fatal in whitetailed deer, mule deer can still acquire the disease and, according to some studies, it may





Wolves, Indians Compete At Bainville FFA Meet

Wolves, Indians Compete At Bainville FFA Meet

Future Farmers of America from around the area competed in floriculture at Bainville School Monday, Dec. 14. Bulldogs advisor Kellan Standley said attendance was record setting. “I was blown away by the turnout,” said Standley. “This was the most floriculture participants at least since I’ve been in the district (8 years) if not ever. With COVID-19, I asked advisors to give me a ‘best-case’