10 December 2020



Montana Youth Challenge  Academy Graduates 82 Students

Montana Youth Challenge Academy Graduates 82 Students

A commencement ceremony for Class 43 of the Montana Youth Challenge Academy took place on Monday, Nov. 23, on the campus of The University of Montana Western in Dillon. Among the 82 cadets acknowledged for their completion of the program was Diamond Muskrat of Wolf Point. Because of the statewide rise in COVID-19 cases, an intimate ceremony with social distancing and masking was hosted to


Lights Up Berglee

Lights Up Berglee

Nemont’s Jordan Berglee sets up holiday decorations in downtown Wolf Point Dec. 2, prior to the Wolf Point Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture’s Christmas Stroll. (Photo by James Walling)



Sports Important For Manning

Sports Important For Manning

Antone Manning likes to use his basketball talents for Wolf Point High School. The senior’s activities include basketball and golf for the Wolves. Basketball is by far his favorite sport. What does he like most about basketball? “Shooting,” he laughed. “I like the fans.” Standing at nearly 6-4, Manning can be a force for the Wolves. “I’m good on the boards,” he noted.




Ice Recreation Season Is Beginning, Anglers  And Others Encouraged To Practice Safety

Ice Recreation Season Is Beginning, Anglers And Others Encouraged To Practice Safety

It’s that time of year when ice anglers and other recreationists will be heading out to Montana's “hard” waters for the winter season. Everyone needs to be safe around ice, whether ice fishing, ice skating, hunting, snowmobiling, or just taking a walk. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks reminds folks that safety should be the number one concern during a day out on (or near) the ice.



Knudsen Optimistic  About New Office

Knudsen Optimistic About New Office

Roosevelt County native Austin Knudsen is excited for the opportunity of being the next Montana Attorney General, and he feels some changes in the office will benefit the entire state. One move will be the addition of a solicitor general’s office. The attorney will represent Montana’s interests and be the top appellate advocate on behalf of the state. Montana hasn’t had the position