03 December 2020


Steinbeisser Elected President  Of Montana Stockgrowers

Steinbeisser Elected President Of Montana Stockgrowers

Jim Steinbeisser, a rancher in the Sidney area, has been selected as the new president for the Montana Stockgrowers Association. Steinbeisser was elected to the Stockgrowers’ board of directors as first vice president in 2018. He is a past director representing Montana’s northeast district. He co-owns and operates VS Inc., a diversified farm raising several cash crops, feed for their


Hand Washing Stations

Hand Washing Stations

Third-graders Maddox Healy (left-right) and M’ila Montclair demonstrate a new hand washing station at Southside Elementary in Wolf Point Nov. 30. Wolf Point School District used federal funding to install washing stations in every building to combat the ongoing pandemic. (Submitted photo)





Fort Peck Dam Celebrates 80th Birthday

Fort Peck Dam Celebrates 80th Birthday

The Fort Peck Dam recently had its 80th anniversary recognized. The huge seven- year project was completed in October 1940. The dam is the largest hydraulically filled earth dame in the world. It measures 21,026 feet long with a height of 250.5 feet. The dam’s five turbines can generate 185,250 kilowatts of power. Building of the dam started in 1933 in the midst of the Great Depression.



